Monday 5 September 2016

Moringa (Drum Sticks/sahjan/Munga Tree)

Moringa (Drum Sticks/sahjan/Munga Tree)

Moringa plant is also known as ‘Sahijan’ or ‘Munaga’ in Hindi, ‘Mulaga’ in Telugu, ‘Murungai’ in Tamil, ‘Nugge Mara’ in Kannada, ‘Sigru’ in Malayalam, ‘Sujna’ in Marathi, ‘Sanjina’ in Punjabi and ‘Lal Sahinjano’ in Rajasthani.

Other Names:
‘Arango’, ‘Árbol de las Perlas’, ‘Behen’, ‘Ben Ailé’, ‘Ben Nut Tree’, ‘Ben Oléifère’, ‘Benzolive’, ‘Canéficier de l’Inde’, ‘Chinto Borrego’, ‘Clarifier Tree’, ‘Drumstick Tree’, ‘Horseradish Tree’, ‘Indian Horseradish’, ‘Jacinto’, ‘Kelor Tree’, ‘Malunggay’, ‘Marango’, ‘Mlonge’, ‘Moringa oleifera’, ‘Moringa pterygosperma’, ‘Moringe de Ceylan’, ‘Mulangay’, ‘Murungakai’, ‘Narango’, ‘Nebeday’, ‘Paraíso Blanco’, ‘Perla de la India’, ‘Pois Quénique’, ‘Sahjna’, ‘Saijan’, ‘Saijhan’, ‘Sajna’, ‘San Jacinto’, ‘Shagara al Rauwaq’, ‘Shigru, Terebinto’.

Let’s delve deep into the secrets of the moringa plant and identify the benefits.

The Miracle of Moringa Tree Leaves (Moringa Oleifera), commonly called the "drumstick tree", and 'horseradish tree' is native to India but has been planted around the world and is naturalized in many locales. Moringa is one of the most powerful health-enhancing plants. While many things found in Nature can have one or two health benefits, Moringa has many. India's ancient tradition of ayurveda medicine sites 300 diseases that are treated with the leaves of the Moringa tree. Recent scientific research has proven that these humble leaves are in fact a powerhouse of nutritional value.
Moringa leaf is best known as an excellent source of nutrition and natural energy booster. This energy boost is not based on sugar, and so it is sustained. Moringa is also soothing. It helps lower blood pressure and is a sleep aid. Its detoxifying effect may come from Moringa's ability to purify water. Moringa acts as a coagulant attaching itself to harmful material and bacteria. It is believed that this process is taking place in the body as well.

While the continued use of Moringa for food and medicinal purposes by cultures in separate and distant parts of the world attest to its beneficial effects, Moringa is a recent “discovery” of modern science. The leaves of Moringa Oleifera are nature's multi-vitamin providing 7 x the vitamin C of oranges, 4 x the calcium of milk, 4 x the vitamin A of carrots, 3 x the potassium of bananas, and 2 x the protein of yogurt. On top of that, science is proving Moringa to be a power house of nutrients; 90 are known to date, with the possibility of more yet to be identified. If that were not enough, Moringa has no known impurities, with no adverse reactions ever recorded.

Moringa oleifera is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Moringa, which is the only genus in the family Moringaceae. English common names include: moringa, drumstick tree (from the appearance of the long, slender, triangular seed-pods), horseradish tree (from the taste of the roots, which resembles horseradish), ben oil tree, or benzoyl tree (from the oil which is derived from the seeds). It is a fast-growing, drought-resistant tree, native to the southern foothills of the Himalayas in north-western India, and widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical areas where its young seed pods and leaves are used as vegetables. It can also be used for water purification and hand washing, and is sometimes used in herbal medicine.

In fact, in 2008 the National Institute of Health called moringa (moringa oleifera) the “plant of the year,” acknowledging that “perhaps like no other single species, this plant has the potential to help reverse multiple major environmental problems and provide for many unmet human needs.” Clearly, moringa benefits are highly touted and deservedly so.

To date, over 1,300 studies, articles and reports have focused on moringa benefits and this plant’s healing abilities that are important in parts of the world that are especially susceptible to disease outbreak and nutritional deficiencies. Research shows that just about every part of the moringa plant can be utilized in some way, whether it’s to make a potent antioxidant tea or produce an oily substance that lubricates and nourishes the skin. Throughout the world, moringa is used for treating such widespread conditions as:

  • Inflammation-related Diseases
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Anemia
  • Arthritis and other joint pain, such as rheumatism
  • Allergies and asthma
  • Constipation, stomach pains and diarrhea
  • Epilepsy
  • Stomach and intestinal ulcers or spasms
  • Chronic headaches
  • Heart problems, including high blood pressure
  • Kidney stones
  • Fluid retention
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Low sex drive
  • Bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic infections
Just how strong is moringa? According to Kuli Kuli, an organization that harvests moringa plants in Africa and makes them accessible to customers in the U.S. and other western nations, gram for gram, moringa contains:
  • Two times the amount of protein of yogurt
  • Four times the amount of vitamin an as carrots
  • Three times the amount of potassium as bananas
  • Four times the amount of calcium as cows’ milk
  • Seven times the amount of vitamin c as oranges

Moringa is known by over 100 names in different languages around the world. This easy-to-grow tropical plant species, native to the Himalayan mountains and parts of India and Africa, comes packed with over 90 protective compounds, including is thiocyanates, flavonoids and phenolic acids. Moringa has gained a reputation for fighting inflammation and combating various effects of malnutrition and aging, earning the nickname “the miracle plant.”

Medicinal Qualities of Moringa Leaves
  • Juice from the leaves is believed to have a stabilizing effect on blood pressure and is used to treat anxiety. It is believed to control glucose levels in cases of diabetes.
  • Mixed with honey and followed by a drink of coconut milk 2 or 3 times a day, leaves are used as a remedy for diarrhoea, dysentery and colitis.
  • Leaf juice, sometimes with carrot juice added, is used as a diuretic. Eating leaves is recommended in cases of gonorrhoea because of the diuretic action.
  •  Leaves and buds are rubbed on the temples for headache.
  • A poultice is made from fresh leaves and applied to reduce glandular swelling.
  • Leaf juice is used as a skin antiseptic.
  • Leaves are used to treat fevers, bronchitis, eye and ear infections, scurvy, and catarrh (inflammation of the mucus membrane).
  • Leaves are considered to be anthelmintic (able to kill intestinal worms).
  • Leaves are used as a purgative.
  • Eating leaves is believed to increase a woman's milk production and is sometimes prescribed for anaemia.

Better Protein Than Soy

Moringa is considered to have the highest protein ratio of any plant so far identified, with the protein in Moringa being comparable in quality to that of soy. Food scientists once believed that only soy had protein comparable to meat, dairy, and eggs. Now they have added Moringa to that very short list. Some even consider Moringa protein better than soy protein as it is non-allergic. Proteins are digested into smaller units known as amino acids. Moringa contains 18 of the 20 amino acids required by the human body including all eight of the essential amino acids found in meat products. (Meat is a luxury most people around the world cannot afford). The body cannot manufacture those eight essential amino acids and must get them through the food we eat. Moringa is one of very few plants that contain all eight.

More Impressive Than Olive Oil

Oleifera is a Latin term meaning oil containing. The Moringa oil, known as ben oil, (due to the high concentration of behenic acid contained in the oil) is extracted from the seeds. Moringa Oleifera seeds contain 35-40% oil by weight and can yield more oil per hectare than sunflower or peanuts. The oil has more impressive attributes than olive oil. It is used in cooking and cosmetics; and because it won’t spoil and turn rancid, it is also used as a preservative and machinery lubricant, even being used as a lubricant in fine watches. What’s left after the oil has been extracted from the seeds is called seed cake, which is used as feed to increase milk production in cows.

Here are the top six proven moringa benefits to show that nickname is well-deserved.
1. Provides Antioxidants and Anti-Inflammatory Compounds
One of the reasons that the many health benefits of herbal plants like Moringa oleifera are so impressive is because they contain similar abilities to conventional drugs, only they don’t pose the same level of risk for experiencing side effects. According to a report published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, moringa contains a mix of essential amino acids (the building blocks of proteins), carotenoid phytonutrients (the same kinds found in plants like carrots and tomatoes), antioxidants such as quercetin, and natural antibacterial compounds that work in the same way as many anti-inflammatory drugs.
Moringa leaves are high in several anti-aging compounds that lower the effects of oxidative stress and inflammation, including polyphenols, vitamin C, beta-carotene, quercetin, and chromogenic acid. These are associated with a reduced risk for chronic diseases, such as stomach, lung or colon cancer; diabetes; hypertension; and age-related eye disorders.

2. Balances Hormones and Slows the Effects of Aging
A 2014 study published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology tested the effects of moringa (sometimes also called “drumstick”) along with amaranth leaves (Amaranths tricolour) on levels of inflammation and oxidative stress in menopausal adult women. Knowing that levels of valuable antioxidant enzymes get affected during the postmenopausal period due to deficiency of “youthful” hormones, including oestrogen, researchers wanted to investigate if these superfoods could help slow the effects of aging using natural herbal antioxidants that balance hormones naturally.
Ninety postmenopausal women between the ages of 45–60 years were selected and divided into three groups given various levels of the supplements. Levels of antioxidant status, including serum retinol, serum ascorbic acid, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and malondialdehyde were analysed before and after supplementation, along with fasting blood glucose and haemoglobin levels. Results showed that supplementing with moringa and amaranth caused significant increases in antioxidant status along with significant decreases in markers of oxidative stress.
Better fasting blood glucose control and positive increases in haemoglobin were also found, which led the researchers to conclude that these plants have therapeutic potential for helping to prevent complications due to aging and natural hormonal changes. Moringa benefits the libido as well and might work like a natural birth control compound, according to some studies.
Although it’s been used as a natural aphrodisiac to increase sex drive and performance for thousands of years, it seems to help reduce rates of conception. That being said, it can boost the immune system during pregnancy and also increase breast milk production/lactation, according to some studies.

3. Helps Improve Digestive Health
Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, moringa has been used in ancient systems of medicine such as Ayurveda to prevent or treat stomach ulcers, liver disease, kidney damage, fungal or yeast infections (such as candida), digestive complaints, and infections.
A common use of moringa oil is helping to boost liver function and therefore detoxifying the body of harmful substances, such as heavy metal toxins. It might also be capable of helping to fight kidney stones, urinary tract infections, constipation, fluid retention/oedema and diarrhoea.
4. Helps to maintain Blood Sugar levels
Balances Blood Sugar Levels, Helping Fight Diabetes Moringa contains a type of acid called chlorogenic acid, which has been shown to help control blood sugar levels and allow cells to take up or release glucose (sugar) as needed. This gives moringa natural antidiabetic and hormone-balancing properties. Aside from chloregnic acid, compounds called is thiocyanates that are present in moringa have also been tied to natural protection against diabetes.
A study that appeared in the International Journal of Food Science Technology found that moringa had positive effects on blood glucose control and insulin levels in patients with diabetes when eaten as part of a high-carbohydrate meal. The effects of three different plants (moringa, curry and bitter gourd) were tested in response to eating meals containing various levels of glucose. The results showed that plasma insulin responses were significantly lower when the three plants were included in the meal compared to when they weren’t, with all three plants having similar effects.
Separate studies conducted by the Biotechnology Institute at Sadat City University in Egypt have found that antidiabetic activities of low doses of moringa seed powder (50–100 milligrams per kilogram body weight) help increase antioxidant status and enzyme production within the liver, pancreas and kidneys of rats and prevent damage compared to control groups.
High levels of immunoglobulin (IgA, IgG), fasting blood sugar and glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) — three markers seen in diabetics — were also found to decrease as a result of moringa given to rats with diabetes. Results from the study showed that overall, compared to rats not given the herbal treatment, those receiving moringa experienced a return to both kidney and pancreatic health as well as reduced complications of diabetes.

5. Protects and Nourishes the Skin
Moringa contains natural antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral compounds that protect the skin from various forms of infections. Some of the common ways moringa is used on the skin include: reducing athlete’s foot, eliminating odours, reducing inflammation associated with acne breakouts, treating pockets of infection or abscesses, getting rid of dandruff, fighting gum disease (gingivitis), and helping heal bites, burns, viral warts and wounds.
Moringa oil is applied directly to the skin as a drying, astringent agent used to kill bacteria, but at the same time when used regularly it’s known to act like a lubricant and hydrate the skin by restoring its natural moisture barrier. It’s a common ingredient used in food manufacturing and perfumes because it prevents spoilage by killing bacteria, plus it has a pleasant smell and reduces odours.

6. Helps Stabilize Your Mood and Protects Brain Health
As a high protein food and a rich source of the amino acid tryptophan, moringa benefits neurotransmitter functions, including those that produce the “feel good” hormone serotonin. Moringa is also rich in antioxidants and compounds that improve thyroid health, which makes it beneficial for maintaining high energy levels plus fighting fatigue, depression, low libido, moods swings and insomnia.

Amino acids in Moringa:
Moringa contains all the essential amino acids needed by the body. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins which are needed to grow, repair and maintain cells. Human body manufactures 10 to 12 amino acids. The remaining 8 amino acids are known as the essential amino acids which should be provided from everyday diet and moringa contains all of them. The list of essential amino acids and their benefits are given below.

Nutritional Value of Moringa:

The most amazing fact about moringa is that it is a storehouse of nutrients and medicinal chemicals. The various parts of this plant are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, iron and protein. It contains a plethora of phytonutrients, eight essential amino acids and other powerful disease fighting antioxidants. According to the Ayurveda, moringa comprises of around 539 compounds capable of preventing 300 diseases. Moringa contains more than 90 nutrients and 46 different antioxidants which make it a powerhouse of nutrition. The table given below provides a gist of the nutritional value of this wonderful plant.

Moringa leaves are a storehouse of nutrients. They contain seven times more potassium than bananas and twice the amount of protein as that contained in milk. Milk is considered to be an important source of calcium, but moringa leaves contain four times more calcium than milk. They contain four times more vitamin A or beta carotene than carrots. Moringa powder which is prepared by grinding the dried leaves of moringa contain seven times more vitamin C than oranges, 25 times the amount of iron in spinach, 36 times the amount of magnesium in eggs, 50 times more vitamin B3 than peanuts and 50 times more vitamin B2 than bananas.

Moringa leaves compared to common foods:
Values per 100gm. edible portion
In addition to these nutrients, moringa leaves contains all the essential amino acids needed for growth and development of the body.

Amino Acid Content of Moringa Leaves:

ACI Agro Solution
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