Tuesday 20 September 2016

Moringa for Men

Moringa for Men

The benefits of Moringa supplements for pregnant and nursing women have been clearly established, but what about men? As Moringa becomes more readily available in the world’s supplement market, more men are starting to question whether the supplement can help them live healthier, longer lives. Many of the benefits for women also extend to men of all ages, but there are four main reasons that a man may start taking this supplement on a daily basis.

1. Weight Loss and Maintenance

The fact that Moringa can help with weight loss confuses many people. It is known to help increase appetite for people who are malnourished and is often used as a nutritional supplement to help people in the poorest regions of the world. How can it also help people who have eaten too much and gained an excessive amount of weight?

Many men do take Moringa to help with weight loss, and you can find positive accounts of their results all over the Internet. While this supplement cannot stimulate weight loss when unhealthy foods are continuously consumed and an inactive lifestyle is followed consistently, but it can help with weight loss and weight control for men actively trying to change their lifestyles. It is a supplement, not a diet plan.

Men who are trying to eat healthier foods will benefit from the nutrients contained in Moringa seeds and leaves. A long list of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are contained in the plant along with all of those healthy nutrients. This makes it easier for men to keep up with a healthy diet and allows men to nourish their bodies to boost energy during exercise sessions.

2. Maintain Normal Blood Sugar

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates that more than 25 million people suffer from diabetes in the U.S. alone. If you could collect data from the entire world, the number of people suffering from this disease would be astounding. While most patients treat the disorder with prescription medication, exercise and a restricted diet, many also supplement with natural herbs and over-the-counter medications proven to help lower and control blood glucose levels.

Moringa is now one of the most promising supplements for men wanting to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Scientific research indicates that it has a positive effect on normal glucose levels in the blood. It is important to note that the study cited here used freshly harvested Moringa leaves that were dried in sunlight and broken into a powder. The supplement should be taken consistently over time to deliver maximum results.

3. Sexual Enhancement
Men are far more likely than women to take Moringa for sexual enhancement. Research published in the American Journal of Neuroscience in 2012 researched the sexual response of rats when administered Moringa Oleifera leaf extract. The study found that the rats did respond with enhanced interest in sexual actions after receiving the extract. The final recommendation of the study was for further study regarding the treatment of sexual dysfunction with M. Oleifera leaf extract.

This study shows what many men have asserted about the benefits of taking Moringa supplements. While the rats in the study did not show enhanced levels of testosterone while under the influence of the supplement, they were more inclined to mounting behavior. This shows their heightened interest in sex, and that could result to enhanced sexual excitement for humans taking the supplement.

According to research released by the University of Chicago and the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, approximately 30% of men are affected by sexual dysfunction. Other have shown that more than 18 million men in the United States alone are affected by erectile dysfunction, which is a form of sexual dysfunction. There are some medical issues that can cause sexual dysfunction, but it is believed that many men are unable to perform sexually due to psychological issues.

With that many men suffering from sexual dysfunction, the possibility of finding relief through a natural remedy like Moringa capsules is welcomed. Many men do experience some relief with these supplements, but further scientific research is needed to verify the results of the study published in the American Journal of Neuroscience and clearly identify why this leaf extract helps men with sexual dysfunction.

4. Immune System Support

All men need to boost their immune systems in order to minimize downtime from illness. Shaking hands with colleagues, touching public doorknobs and sharing public restrooms will put any man at risk for the common cold, and some men are also at risk for other infectious diseases depending on where they live and who they encounter in daily life.

The use of the Moringa plant for immune system support originated from projects aimed at helping people living in poverty. One such Moringa as a valuable resource for treating the people of Ghana, Africa and Accra. The in-depth research for this project identified the nutritional and functional properties of all parts of the plant and concluded that it could help the impoverished people of these nations boost their immune systems and fight off disease. They believed the plant was suitable for use in this manner because it is incredibly nutrient-dense.

The same nutrients that can help men reach and maintain a healthy body weight can ensure that the body has the nutrients needed to fight off illness and remain healthy. People living in impoverished nations can benefit from a stronger immune system because they are typically exposed to a wider variety of disease owed to their living environments.

Men from more privileged areas of the world can also benefit from an enhanced immune system regardless of where they live. Moringa supplements can help all men who want to remain as healthy as possible to care for their families.

What about Healthy Men?

Men who have no problems maintaining healthy body weights and who are in overall good health can still benefit from taking Moringa as a basic nutritional enhancement. Most men in the modern world do not consume well-balanced diets on a daily basis. They are more likely to live on fatty fast food than salads, and when they do eat salads, they often load them up with bacon bits and high-fat salad dressings.

Moringa supplements can help make up for the nutrients that most men miss in their daily diets. This is a natural plant product that contains more than 90 nutrients and a long list of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Men can increase their intake of fiber, protein and omega 3 fatty acids by taking this supplement. This improved nutritional intake will help all bodily functions operate in a healthy, efficient manner.

A Note on Moringa Studies

While the ongoing research into the benefits of the Moringa plant are impressive, it must be noted that the studies get results by administering specific doses of the supplement. In order to replicate the results in your own life, you need to take a pure Moringa Oleifera supplement on a daily basis over a long period of time. The ongoing nutritional support is what allows it to boost your immune system, help with sexual function and all its other benefits.

While this supplement cannot take the place of prescription medications, you can discuss adding it to your diet as a part of your treatment for a variety of medical conditions. In addition to diabetes, the supplement can help combat arthritis, gout and blood circulation problems. It is also useful for men who want to do everything possible to prevent the development of these medical conditions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

ACI Agro Solution
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